
WHY WE NEED SOLARPUNK STORIES   – in ON SPEC MAGAZINE issue 126 (& on website)

With the kind permission of Jerri Jerreat, we are happy to add this recently published article as a free resource for teachers and librarians.

Why We Need Solarpunk Stories

By Jerri Jerreat

Simon Fraser University has been studying the troubling rise of climate anxiety and climate depression among youth. They now offer climate anxiety and grief seminars (1). Then Lakehead University published their survey of Canadian youth, age 16-25. Nearly half reported that they think humanity is doomed. Thirty-nine per cent feel they should not have children. Seventy one per cent are angry at the government’s response to the climate crisis and sixty-nine per cent feel abandoned (2).

Those reports emerged before the summer of 2023. June’s deadly heat wave in Western Canada of 2021 should have woken up the country; somehow it did not. In 2022, the University of Waterloo released a paper naming fifteen cities across Canada that were likely to experience the urban heat island effect next, if the cities did not reduce their carbon footprint.  (3).  Mine was on the list. Perhaps yours, too?

Then came the summer of 2023. Wildfire smoke from Québec and northern Ontario blanketed our capital city, then Ontario, Québec, then spread outward. New York City shared the same dystopian yellow-grey skies as Toronto. Folks in B.C. already knew about keeping children inside, windows closed, from previous wildfires, but it was new to Ottawa. This period was followed by a heat wave across most of Canada, then terrible flooding in Nova Scotia, tornadoes touching down in Ottawa, and over 40,000 people evacuated from homes across B.C. and the Northwest Territories due to wildfires.

The planet’s oceans reached their hottest recorded temperatures ever.

What can science fiction writers do about this? Rather a lot. This is the time we need sci fi writers more than ever.

Writers are changemakers. If we can create a believable world on another planet, we can also write stories on future Earth so vivid, characters so relatable, that we’ll shift the mindset of our readers from —climate despair to hope. If we put our research and talents to work and write solarpunk.

Solarpunk is a science fiction, art, and social movement which shows us how things might improve if communities work together. Solarpunk shows us, at its most basic level, society with far better social equity and no fossil fuels.

How could your own region look, fifty or a hundred years from now, if everyone switched to cold climate heat pumps and we invested in excellent public transportation that was fossil fuel-free? Naturally all our electricity would have to be created from solar, wind, river, waves, tides, and other renewable methods. As well, we would have to create food a better way—without synthetic fertilizers. There might be a lot more plant-based meals on a future menu.

This takes research.

I wrote a dystopia long ago, after the Taliban first took over Afghanistan and stripped away women’s rights. I have read and enjoyed many dystopias. However, I see many youth now daily, and I am turning my back on dystopias or post-apocalyptic fiction.

Our youth are frightened about the future. Will there even be a future for them? I’ve met university students and people in their late twenties who don’t think they will have children because of the climate crisis. At Queen’s University, an extremely tall student, second or third year, approached me after my workshop on positive climate solutions. I was feeling ebullient.

He hesitated, frowned, appeared shy.

“Did you have a question?” I asked.

He blurted, “How do you—” He struggled to get the next word out, “hope?”

The news in biology is all bad, another student explained. Different species are going extinct every single day (4).

These conversations led me to create a festival for local youth called “Youth Imagine the Future”. It seemed like a great way to mentor young writers both in writing and in becoming active citizens. There can be a better future. We all have to work together on it.

Writers can show us how.

“Youth Imagine the Future: A Festival of Writing and Art” is now held in a large chunk of eastern Ontario. I created a slideshow of inspiring ideas that countries around the world are working on to help us to reduce fossil fuel consumption, to mitigate the climate crisis, and to restore biodiversity. I update the slideshow constantly, but there is never enough time to show it all. Jamaica and India are restoring their mangrove wetlands, both for biodiversity and to buffer their shorelines from hurricanes and erosion. Toronto, too, has been restoring their wetlands, creeks, and rivers as well. One story Toronto’s RAP (Remedial Action Plan) told us on a webinar was of a large wetland that had been drained and farmed for a century. RAP was able to revert the stream back into the area, and they were ready to replant native species. To their surprise, all the plants appeared in that first spring once water had been returned. The seeds had been lying dormant under the field for a hundred years. Fish returned, turtles, amphibians, butterflies, bees, a whole ecosystem.

There are an incredible number of amazing ecological inventions for the tech lovers being used around the world. The James Dyson award has been won by some of them. There is an “O Wind,” a small turbine in the pre-production stage in the UK, the size of a basketball, kinetic tiles creating lights in a soccer field in a Rio di Janeiro favela. In Heathrow Airport, stunning helix wind turbines being installed on tall buildings, and flexible, transparent solar panels are in the works thanks to a young Filipino inventor. Another Dyson award winner. It is made from the cellulose of old vegetables.

In Stockholm, Sweden, and in north London, UK, the body heat of commuters going through a train or subway station is being used to heat many other buildings, homes, and hot water. Other companies are working on more sustainable ways to store solar and wind energy to use at night or when it is not windy.

Brilliant? Yes. Science fiction? No.

But it could be.

A good dystopian novel can make a strong political statement and make us think. These days, the news is enough dystopia. Our youth need stories and novels to inspire them. They need stories to help make them picture a better future.

What might we see in a solarpunk setting of your next story?

In a solarpunk story, (an action-adventure, a comedy, a tense drama, or romance, etc.) the setting should show how the community has worked together to switch away from fossil fuels and old “Big Ag” methods. Enter community gardens, rooftop gardens, or hydroponic sprouts grown easily in a couple of windows. Enter regenerative farming, smaller co-ops, permaculture. Parking lots might have been pulled up, the dead dirt layered with leaves, compost and straw and become a large community food garden or a Miyawaki forest to return biodiversity, pollinators, and to lower the city’s heat. Indigenous people might be leading the projects, or even running the government. It could be better. Imagine.

Wave turbines might be working on old piers to create electricity, but shorelines will be replanted with native shoreline plants to help buffer extreme storms and shelter many species again. According to the United Nations, about 40% of the world’s living species live in or breed in a wetlands. Cities need ribbons of green running through them, and never lonely soldier trees lined up in a row every three metres, surrounded by pavement. A solarpunk future would show that.

Future cities should have sustainable, non-polluting public transportion. Vancouver has a small fleet of electric buses that recharge in five minutes. Sweden has a strip of road that EV vehicles can drive over to recharge. Germany has fast hydrogen-fuel-celled trains between cities—made in Canada. Japan has mag-lev trains (magnetic-levitating) for speed.

Sci-fi writers can research what is on the cutting edge today and show us a better tomorrow.

Even if we electrify our buildings, our transportation, improve our farming methods—a solarpunk story can show us more. Paris, France, has closed a main thoroughfare to cars, reduced the number of parking spaces, and shut some smaller side streets. Pop-up markets have emerged, dance classes, food gardens, tree plantings, bicycles everywhere, pedestrians. Paris hopes to revise itself into a “15-minute city,” where citizens can walk, bike, or hop a quick bus to anywhere they need to go regularly: school, work, medical centre, grocery store, sport centre, park. This has started a movement across Europe.

Solarpunk cities might have green living walls (moss concrete, perhaps?), or green and solar roofs. They aren’t wasting their rooftops, that’s for sure. There will be gardens under solar panels or wind turbines up there, perhaps another Canadian invention, the “ridgeblade” turbine, lying horizontally across a peaked roof.

There will be a “library economy,” attractive multi-family housing, more sharing in the future. Why? Because there are 21.5 million climate refugees right now, according to the U.N., but over a billion are predicted by 2050.

We are going to have to give up the notion of a McMansion on a large non-native grass lawn, every house owning a lawnmower.

Will everyone co-operate and act peacefully and kindly toward each other in the future?

(Er, do you know humans?)

A solarpunk future, a better future, should show optimism regarding the climate crisis and social justice. However, humans will still be humans. There will still be conflicts. Don’t worry, writers, there will still be exciting stories to write.

Last spring, I wrote on my (sigh) Twitter account:

“I need happy endings. I need movies and books showing a better future—realistic, believable, with social equity and a community coming together to fight the Climate Crisis. Not a cartoon utopia: I still want drama, tension, humour. Give me those.”

Last year, I gave about ten workshops to classes of youth across eastern Ontario. This year, we have sixty booked. Yesterday I gave workshops to four classes in a high school. Today, I’m exhausted, doing some festival admin and replanting a couple of baby trees from a ditch before they are mown. My friends are presenting at another high school. Tomorrow I’ll give three workshops to keen grade seven and eight students. I will ask them if any have read a dystopian novel recently and, as usual, about ten to twenty students will offer up the Hunger Games or Divergent.

Those are the students who need our workshop of solutions around the world more than others. They are becoming cynical about the future, at age thirteen, a step on the road down toward feeling hopeless. You are what you think. You are what you read.

I will tell them that I, too, found the first Hunger Games novel very exciting. However, I’ll add, I think we can do better than that future, classic corporate dystopia. I’ll ask them to imagine they are urban designers of the future. I tell them that I’ll show them amazing ideas that are real, that people are working on or using, right now. I’ll say, sketch or jot down a few.

After the slideshow, many will be excited, inspired. I’ll ask them to do a short bit of creative writing or sketching, in a better future they get to design. Perhaps set it right here, in this town, this city, or anywhere that you know well. It’s the future you’re designing, I’ll remind them. You can start with these ideas, take it further.

Many will participate, hands shoot up. Some have seen EV bikes or scooters for rent in different cities. One student, the feisty one, will ask how could their parents get to work without a car? They’ll be late! And aren’t heat pumps super expensive, anyway?

I love those kids. I feel maybe our workshop is just as much to shift their mindset toward a better possible future as the ones who are already frightened. However, it’s the young people who want to help their communities, help the world, who have heart and courage, but who are frightened by the climate crisis whom I particularly hope we are reaching.

There is hope. If we can write solarpunk, and if we can mentor youth to write solarpunk and imagine how that future might actually look, together we might shift everyone’s thinking toward positive action. We need active citizens. Climate protestors. Renewable energy technicians and engineers. Eco lawyers and politicians and adults with a positive future vision. It’s no longer about economy and profit, and will I make the money back soon enough if I switch to a heat pump? We humans are part of an interconnected web of living creatures. If half of them go extinct, that’s a very, very bad sign. However, the Netherlands, for example, has created artificial islands and over 30,000 seabirds have come back. And you, yourself, can plant a pocket Miyawaki-style little forest on your apartment building lawn and demand one in every park and public space. We can help bring biodiversity back.

Recently, I started a furor on a Facebook page when I dared to write the following:

This is from my heart:

It is very easy and tempting to write a dystopia. (Read the news.) I even wrote one, long ago. Dystopias, however, create pathways in the brain leading the mind to, over time, travel quickly toward pessimism, despair, and inaction.

Solarpunk writing is more challenging to write, but an exciting story that is written inside a world where people are working together to cope with the climate crisis and where there is more social justice—is the future we all need to see, and to imagine.

Writers can lead readers toward hope, and positive action.

What will your legacy be?


  6. For your interest: “Solarpunk and How We Escape Dystopia” with @Andrewism (Andrew Sage) & Professor Carl Williams on “Pop Culture Detective- Episode 10” on You Tube.
  7. Check out our festival

Please note that “Youth Imagine the Future” has a toolkit, nearly complete, that we would be happy to share with anyone interested in mentoring youth in their region. Do it your own way.  #ABetterFuture

To see the interview, search for : 

Kingston Life Magazine March/April 2021

May be an image of 1 person, standing and outdoors

Interview in Kingston Life Magazine March/April 2021


Guest Blog by Jerri Jerreat

​​Climate Change is raging across my country, Canada. Imagining Toronto, Canada in the future was not difficult. Already, in Ontario, we have unusual hurricanes, tornados, and freezing rain when we ought to have fresh white snow. Our western provinces suffer from unstoppable wildfires and black skies full of smoke; our east coast is losing beautiful beaches and land to rising sea levels, and facing fiercer storms.

The fun challenge was to imagine how we might create solutions to cope with these changes, solutions not based on fossil fuel. Researching all the latest technologies was fascinating.

A story, however, always needs to come first. I could preach my solutions, wave them on placards, and attend climate strikes. (On that already.) A short story, I believe, has to grab you, then yank you into the excitement of a person or people in a difficult situation that feels real. The characters have to come alive, and their problems need to become yours.

In daily life, I am a teacher, yet I have never written about teaching before, either from the point of view of a student or teacher. I rifled through my memories as a child, a follower at age eleven who, for some inexplicable reason, became a minion to a class bully. Joanne ruled us with her charisma, and we shoplifted and did many things I am not proud of. The one that still haunts me was the unkindness we showed to a new foreign classmate. I have shared that sad story with my own classes, year after year, hoping to guide my students into wiser choices.

Some of the scenes are echoes of real discussions with my classes. With grade fives, I always devote a few lessons to imagining that we are the very first group of humans to decide to stop, settle down, and live in a community. What rules should we have to live together peacefully? Every year the students engage in thoughtful and sometimes humorous discussions. One year we built a large village centre together in the schoolyard, using snow.

We also write a play together each year. Often a character or two are recent refugees, which allows us to feel a little of the outsider experience, perhaps coming from war-torn Syria, speaking a different language. Whether the play ends up being about a group of comical extra-terrestrials visiting Earth, or a spoof on teenagers, or a play about anxieties ten year olds in our class face — we all learn a little compassion for other people through our writing and our acting of the play.

This, I suppose, is my secret teacher mission — to teach open mindedness and open heartedness.
Simple ideas became the heart of this story: a child bully, a child victim, and a teacher who won’t let it happen again. Then I set it in Toronto, in the future.



Jerri Jerreat’s ten-year-old students fought Ontario last year to ban single-use plastic. Environmental themes often emerge in her fiction, which has appeared in Ottawa Arts Review, Yale Review Online among others and in Nevertheless: Tesseracts 21 and Glass and Gardens: Solarpunk Summers. She lives under solar panels near Kingston, Ontario.



Interview with Jerri Jerreat: Spring 2019 Flash Fiction Contest Third Place Winner

Jerri’s Bio:

Jerri is a social justice and environmental activist, and writes fiction, both good and terrible, for joy. She is inspired by her family, her ten-year-old students, and a number of kick-ass non-profit groups.

Her fiction has appeared in The Penmen Review, (pending), Everyday Fiction, The Ottawa Arts Review, The Yale Review Online, The New Quarterly, The Antigonish Review, The Dalhousie Review, Room and is in two anthologies, Glass and Gardens: Solarpunk Summers (World Weaver Press) and Nevertheless: Tesseracts 21 (Edge Publishing). She mentors her students to write and perform a play each year and was honoured that her own play was performed in the Newmarket National Play Festival, July 2019. The actors were magnificent. She can be found at

If you haven’t done so already, check out Jerri’s award winning story “Waves” and then return here for a chat with the author. 

WOW: Congratulations on placing third in the Spring 2019 Flash Fiction Contest! What excited you most about writing this story?

Jerri: When I write, I am diving into myself. It’s a bit like falling into a dream. I read a variety of fiction in different genres, and nonfiction for teaching, or newsletters from Ecojustice, and a news magazine, Macleans. I listen to the CBC news. I talk with young students most of the day, with adults around that, go for walks and do errands. Life! Then, all these thoughts and images simmer together. When I sit down to do a 15-minute writing exercise I never know what will emerge. It’s so interesting to see how things kaleidoscope.

I have been drawn to reading articles and books about refugees for the past few years. Still, it was exciting, to feel a girl’s voice, fleeing from a war, bubbling up inside.

This particular tiny story emerged long after I began reading about the kindness and the cruelty of strangers toward modern refugees crossing the Mediterranean Sea. It is still happening. Just this week I received a newsletter from the U.N. group that works with refugees around the world, (U.N.H.C.R.). There was a news article about one of the survivors of an event in 2016 wherein pirates deliberately sunk a boat, killing over 500 people who were fleeing war.

I highly recommend the film, “Human Flow.” The numbers of people presently fleeing their homes because of war or climate change/famine is something we all need to be aware of. The United Nations keeps statistics, and updates them frequently. In 2017 there were over 65 million people fleeing their homes due to war or famine or other disasters. In 2019 there are over 70 million forcibly displaced people worldwide.

That’s more than after the World Wars. Now that I know it, it’s not something I can un-know. I think we all have to see this as a global change, and find positive solutions.

WOW: Thank you for sharing the background of not only your general writing process but also of the events that make your story so relevant and powerful. These statistics are shocking. It sounds like you’ve learned a lot through your research. What did you learn about yourself or writing while crafting this piece?

Jerri: I practiced an old Jedi mind trick: despite a dozen misgivings about what was appearing onscreen, I ignored them. I let my mind go. I don’t know why I went into the head of a young teen leaving Syria with her family. I’ve brought two lovely newcomer families (recently Syrian refugees) into my classroom to chat with my students. When my students asked why families were running away from their country and coming here, I’d simply shown some photos of Syria before and after the war. One visiting youth, about 15, was quite articulate and told us that what was strange for her about attending high school in Ontario, was that couples kiss in public. My students, aged 9 and 10, agreed that it was gross. This lovely girl wore a hijab, played soccer, and had two part-time jobs. She talked about missing her baby brother a lot while at school. Again, my students agreed with that feeling.

She didn’t have to take a boat; her family was sponsored by a group of local churches and the local mosque to come to Canada. A lucky family. My students raised a little money for this charity, “Save a Family from Syria”, the last two years.

After writing, I became very concerned that this piece might be seen as cultural appropriation. I didn’t send it out for a year, fretting. Finally, I decided that I would. I had written it in a spirit of deep respect for those families forced to leave their land, daring terrible dangers, because they had to. That is, truly, a universal theme throughout human history.

WOW: We are grateful to you for sharing your work with us! It clearly sounds like activism is a meaningful part of your life. How often and what ways does your activism inspire your fiction writing, and vice versa?

Jerri: I can’t avoid seeing the effects of climate change right here. We had tornadoes last winter, (I’ve never heard of them here), and it seemed like more ice storms and floods than lovely white snowy days. I’d never heard of Lyme Disease ten years ago but it’s a constant concern. Thus, I support Ecojustice, Environmental Defense, the David Suzuki Foundation, among others. As well, I tutored recent refugee children last summer, a small bit of volunteerism, and was very proud to follow my students last year on a path of peaceful protest to two levels of government about single-use plastics. Two students, aged ten, told me that they had counted over 40 plastic bags in the ditches, streams, and caught in trees on a bus ride to school one day.

However, I don’t write to preach. I write because I need to, and these underlying concerns sometimes slip into my fiction. This story was overtly about families in terrible danger, and I was drawn into a girl’s thoughts at such a time. I simply went there. I have written a story with magical realism called “The Narrow Café” which appeared in the Yale Review Online last fall. There, I was yanked into a story about a young man with family expectations who had a gift for making drinks. The refugee background was very slight. I did, however, enjoy writing two stories set in the future for two Solarpunk anthologies. Those stories had to be set in a future where climate change had generally been overcome for the most part, a refreshing change from dystopias and “Hunger Games” futures. For those, I researched all the latest emerging green energies. The worldbuilding was great fun. Then I wrote a story about a young woman and her fiancée on a canoe trip, a sort of a marriage test, set in that future! (Note: if you have ever taken a lover camping for the first time, you might be able to relate.) The anthology is called “Glass and Gardens: Solarpunk Summers.” The company is now publishing a set of winter stories, out in January, and I was delighted they accepted another story in that same world. This story is about a teacher and a 12-year-old bully.

WOW: You mentioned earlier that you draw a lot of inspiration from what you view and read in your daily life. What are you reading right now, and why did you choose to read it?

Jerri: I always have a few books on the go. My husband and I are rereading a fantasy “The Blue Sword” by Robin McKinley because it’s fun and makes me happy before I fall asleep. It was briefly lost in some cushions so we read Sue Monk Kidd’s “The Invention of Wings” which was brilliant. I’m in the middle of “Apple and Rain” by Sarah Crossan, (terrific) and “Love Walked In” by Marisa de los Santos (delightful, unexpected). Recently finished “The Scorpio Races” by Maggie Stiefvater, which I couldn’t put down. I have various non-fiction works I read at as well, including “Speaking our Truth: A Journey of Reconciliation” by Monique Gray Smith, and “Dispatches Volume 24”, a magazine from Doctors Without Borders.

WOW: If you could give your younger self one piece of writing advice, what would it be and why?

Jerri: I would say–get out there in the world, girl, and engage with people! Take the bus more so you can chat with the older lady with the bag of groceries. In store line-ups, begin conversations. Listen to a diverse range of people. Each person’s story will enlarge your heart, your wisdom, and enrich your writing.

WOW: Wonderful advice! Anything else you’d like to add?

Jerri: I wish to encourage other women to write, to take a workshop or course, and then write some more. Writing fiction can be fun, or healing, an act of self-discovery, or of rebellion. If writing nourishes you, then make time for it. Like visual art, it’s not about the money. It’s about the joy.

WOW: Thank you again for sharing your stories and for your other thoughtful responses! Congratulations again, and happy writing!

Interviewed by Anne Greenawalt, who keeps a blog of journal entries, memoir snippets, interviews, training logs, and profiles of writers and competitive female athletes.



Blogger Sue Bradford Edwards said…
So many good books on your reading list. Thank you for sharing. I just requested “Human Flow” from the library.I will definitely be looking for more of your stories.
9:11 AM
Blogger Unknown said…
Jerri–Congratulations on your winning story.Sue is right. You do have lots of great books on your suggested stack. Do you know Linda Christensen? She has several wonderful books on social justice (for teachers), was a director of one of the National Writing Project sites, and is quite inspiring.

Good luck with your future writing.

Personal Thoughts on Being a Writer and a Regular Human…


How many balls are you keeping up in the air?

I’m an activist for social justice and the environment, a teacher, writer, and parent of three. Sometimes I schedule it all in neatly on a calendar: two hours for this, an evening for that. It looks pretty. In reality, the balls are usually rolling on the floor. That’s fine. Perfection is not my goal. Perhaps–experience is.

When my children were young, I taught evening courses at St. Lawrence College, volunteered at the federal Prison for Women, and wrote letters for Amnesty International. I also volunteered in my kids’ classes, nudging the students along to write plays and perform them. (Great fun.)

I joined the ranks of those who  guide and mentor classrooms of 30 students under the age of 13, teaching everything from the Arts to Science. I wrote late at night if I could steal an hour. With teaching and having adventures with my kids, I  was too busy for years to dive back into my own writing. Instead, I wrote plays for and with my students to help them to feel history, to understand social justice issues, to become stewards of our planet. To care. I hoped to encourage them to become more open-minded, open-hearted humans.

I still teach full-time but my children live far from home. I walk these woods often with my partner and our dog, Nova. I can steal time in the evenings or on weekends to write. I can let my mind drift from essays and laundry into stories. What a treat.

Imagining a story is a secret joy. You don’t have to be six years old, eyes closed and whispering to fairies to have that kind of fun. But you know that, don’t you?


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